Friday, March 29, 2013

Verb Conjugation - Present Tense: Ir - To Go

Your 2nd verb conjugation! Enjoy!

Ir - To Go

Eu vou - I go
Voce vais - You go
Ele / Ela vai - He / She goes
Nos vamos - We go
Eles / Elas vao - They go


Monday, March 25, 2013


Bom dia! Tudo bem?

Here are most common colours in Portuguese:

brown... marrom...marRAWNG
green....verde ...VAYrder
orange... cor-de-laranja ...koar der lerrAHNGzher
red.... vermelho.... verrMAYlyoo
white... branco.... BRAHNGkoo
yellow... amarelo...... ermerREHloo

purple..... roxo..... ROAshoo
pink...cor-de -rosa..... koar de ROzzer
cream/beige...... bege..... BEHzher

Até logo!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Numbers - 1 to 100

You're gonna need more fingers, kiddo

Hey folks!

In the first post of ILBP we published the first 10 numbers in Portuguese. Here are the first 10 again and then the rest up until 100.

I believe the phonetics on these ones are a big improvement too.

Please vote in the poll on the right side of your screen. I'd love to hear your opinion on this blog.

21vinte e umveen-chee-oohm
22vinte e doisveen-chee-doy-z

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Verb Conjugation - Present Tense: Fazer - To Do / Make

Fazer -  To do

A new verb conjugation for you! This is the verb "to do / to make", just in like the verb faire in French.

Fazer - to do / to make

Eu faco - I do / I make
Voce fazes  You do / you make
Ele / Ela faz - He / She does / makes
Nós fazemos - We do / make
Eles / Elas - They do / make

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Flirting - Part 2

She loves my genius chat-up lines

The rest of my famous one-liners...none of which work on my girlfriend... but I'm sure most girls love them ;)

Eu gostaria de uma boa e forte massagem - I like a good strong massage
Se eu fosse voce, dormiria comigo - If I were you, I'd sleep with me
Voce tem uns olhos muito bonitos - You have very beautiful eyes
Voce tem uns lábios muito bonitos - You have very beautiful lips
Voce tem uma pele muito bonita - You have very beautiful skin

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Flirting - Part 1

Voce e muito linda - You are very pretty
Voce gostaria de dançar? (dansar) - Would you like to dance?
Eu posso lhe ensinar alguns passos - I can teach you a few moves
O que voce esta bebendo? - What will you drink?
Voce tem uma voz sensual - You have a sensual voice

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

We Can Do It! - Poder Conjugation

Here is the conjugation of the verb for "can" in the present tense (Indicative): Poder

Poder (Presente indicativo) - Can

Eu posso - I can
Vóce podes - You can
Ele / Ela pode - He / She can
Nós podemos - We can
Eles / Elas podem - They can

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Basic Conversation - Part 3

Apparently this photo was taken in Brazil... But they look normal... Just kidding!!!! ;)

Happy Tuesday folks!
Please peruse this third part of Basic Conversation. I've thrown in a few commonly used words too.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for improving the blog: Maybe I include too much in each post (in terms of new Portuguese words) or too few. Tell me! 

Pequeno (paykiano) - little
Grande (granje) - big
Voce fala muito bem Inglês! (vossa fala muito bem engles) - You speak wonderful English!
Eu não entendo (ay-o no entendo) - I don't understand
De nada - you're welcome
Voce entende? Voss entendje - Do you understand?
Sim, eu entendo (seem ay-o entendo) - Yes I understand
Depois de voce (depwe je vosse) - after you
Sem problema - no problem
Com prazer (com prazair) - With pleasure
Perdão? (perdow) - Pardon?

Com licenca ( com lisenza) - Excuse me

Boa noite!

Monday, March 11, 2013


Nuns having fun... sounds like an adult film :)

Hey folks,

Here are the months of the year.
Try to memorise them, they're very similar to English.

Marco (marso)


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Verbs - Part 1

A kid and his pet tiger laughing

Hey guys,

My girlfriend helpfully pointed out to me that there were some errors in my previous posts. She has assisted me in correcting them. She is so generous with her time.

Here are some of the most basic and commonly used verbs in Portuguese. In later posts I will add more verbs and also I will conjugate these verbs. In order to make this blog as useful as possible, I will ensure to always name each post as accurately as possible so you can always browse the entire blog and learn whatever it is that you want to learn.

Can - Poder
To do / to make - Fazer
To go - Ir
To Come - Vir
To Say - Dizer
To Laugh - Rir
To Find - Achar
To Give - Dar
To Talk - Conversar


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Days of the Week

Olá, tudo bem!?

Here are the days of the week:

Segunda-feira - Monday
Terça-feira (tersa fayra)  - Tuesday
Quarta-feira - Wednesday
Quinta-feira (kinta-fayra) - Thursday
Sexta-feira (sesta-fayra) - Friday
Sábado - Saturday
Domingo - Sunday

See you soon!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Basic Conversation - Part 2

Amazon Milk Frog - Amazing huh??
Tudo bem!? Check out the cool photo above. That's the kind of crazy animals they have in Brazil :)

Here are some more basic expressions:

Sim (seem) - Yes
Não (now) - No
Desculpe-me - I'm sorry
Bom dia (bom jia) - good morning
Boa noite (boa noiche) - good evening/good night
Prazer em te conhecer (prazair em ch con yeh sair) - pleased to meet you
Te vejo mais tarde (te vage-o mise tard) - see you later
Bom - good
Mau - bad

Te vejo mais tarde!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Basic Conversation - Part 1

Boa tarde (good afternoon),

Here are some basic conversation expressions. For the words which are more difficult to pronounce, I write the phonetics in brackets beside it.

Oi - Hello
Tchau (Chow) - goodbye
E (ee) - and
Por favor - please
Obrigado - thank you
Como voce está? (com-vossay-esta?) - How are you?
Bem, obrigado (bemg) - fine, thanks


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Numbers 1 - 10

Oi! Tudo Bem?

I decided that writing a blog may help me to absorb what I am learning about Brazilian Portuguese (BP from here on).

I'm gonna start with the basics and work along from there.

0 Zero
1 Um
2 Dois (doys)
3 três (treys)
4 Quatro
5 Cinco (sinko)
6 Seis (saysh... Or says)
7 Sete (set)
8 Oito (oy-toe)
9 Nove (nov)
10 Dez

More next time...